Thursday, 30 September 2021



St Crispin’s day has been

A bloody day in history

Famous for being a day 

When battles were fought

High in the cost of life

Among these, in 1944

The Battle of Leyte Gulf

In the Pacific theatre

Of World War Two

Fought in the waters

Of the Philippine Islands

Off Cape Engaño, Samar Island

And in the Straits of Surigao

The largest naval combat

In history, between

The Navy’s of the Japanese

And the United States

When the Japanese fleet

Was comprehensive destroyed


Monday, 6 September 2021



Did you fight in the war daddy?

My mother asked my grandpa

He only answered shortly yes

She had picked at an old scar

She jumped for joy and hugged him

And gave out a great hurrah


Did you win the war daddy?

My mother asked my grandpa

He only answered shortly yes

She was proud of her old da

She wanted to know more

But that didn’t get her far


She was just his little girl

And didn’t know the truth

The horrors that he had seen

And all that wasted youth

But these things he kept inside

And could not say to little Ruth


The truth he could not tell her

Was that nobody won the war

Both sides were the losers

If anyone was keeping score

That was the bitter truth of it

The Germans just lost more



Over the top lads

Let’s do it for the King

Up and at em Tommies

Let’s do the Kaiser in


Heads up lads

Let’s show some heroism

Death to the Hun

Hurrah for Jingoism


Over the top we go

Putting aside our fears

Then the hail of shot

And we fall like tears


A generation’s youth

Drowning in the mud

Ghosts of our future

Drowning in our blood


Stout hearted we came

Beneath the Belgian sky

We came to fight for honour

Instead we fall and die


Was it the organisation?

That was to blame

Or profiteering retailers

Perhaps too greedy

Pubs and clubs to liberal?

Uninterested in consequences

A faulty screen was a factor

In the ensuing conflict

But all of the above played a part

So technology caused the spark

And Alcohol fuelled the flames

What began with scuffle and skirmish

Erupted in a volcano of hate

And then the battle commenced

As the angry and the drunk

Rampaged through the city

The police were mobilized

To quell hostilities

But hopelessly out numbered

They had to withdraw

They fell back to regroup

Pursued by packs

Of blue clad animals

In the mêlée

A lone officer, a tail ender

Already wounded by a bottle

Stumbled and fell before his pursuers

They quickly surrounded him

And kicks rained in on him

But amidst this madness, this carnage

A rangers fan, an army man

Hauled the stricken officer to his feet

And dragged him away from the fight

At first stunned the thugs looked on bemused

Then they charged on

Urged on by the soldier

The officer ran muscles burning

But for the soldier propelling him along

The officer would have fallen

Then sanctuary was in sight

A police van sat invitingly

But they must run on

The soldier yelled encouragement

The officer responded

As they reached the police van

The officer was pushed into the back

And a line of yellow coated police

Swarmed onto the attacking rangers phalanx

And in that instant the soldier was gone

Where did he go, the Good Samaritan

Who was he? This savior

The soldier whose humanity

Surpassed his baser instincts

Will we ever know who he was?

Or where he came from

Should we try to find him?

To heap glory on him

Or should we just thank God for him


May 14th 2008

The events following the UEFA Cup final at the City of Manchester Stadium 



From the dark cloudless skies

Comes the engines drone

Of that unseen and menacing evil

In grim formation flown

Then comes the sirens song

Telling of impending death

As the city looks skyward

Holding a collective breath

Long beams of light

Searched out the evil flock

Criss-crossing the darkness

In every quarter of the clock

Towards the shelters

The civilian’s ant like scurry

As the guns began desperately

Trying to stop the enemy

Fire and death rains down

Upon the weary populace

In macabre equality

The walks of life feel deaths embrace

As buildings fall to the ground

In rubble and dust

Life and history instantly erased

After the bombs combust

Then come the sirens again

Calling out loud, all clear

And from underground

The jaded survivors reappear

To count the cost

Of the night at the gates of hell

Then thanking God

For keeping them safe and well

Gaps on the ravaged skyline

Missing Churches and hostelries

Fire still burns where once stood

Homes and factories

Hoping against hope

That their home survived the night

But despite all this

They never thought to give up the fight



When idle thoughts lead me back down Memory lane

I think of Mr Chamberlain stepping from the plane

Desperately clutching that piece of paper he waved

That promise of hope that Europe would be saved


How we all held that precious hope in our hearts

Before the promise of peace finally fell apart

And how that hope evaporated to leave me scared

When Chamberlains voice said war was declared


Hitler’s broken promise broke Neville’s heart

Another world war blew his appeasement apart

Then up steps Winston Churchill into the fray

His boldness and stiff resolve eventually won the day

A broken man, Chamberlains life came to an end

Many years before the war he tried so hard to prevent



Harry is the spare, not the heir

So he chose to follow a military career

And the ginger Prince went to war

Amidst muck and bullets, blood and gore

He is a braver man than I by some way

It’s a shame the press gave the game away

Now the prince is coming home again

To the land of his grandmothers reign

For as he bravely faced the Taliban

There were dangers for the princely man

For even under the pale winter sun

He had to wear factor ninety one



I miss the place

Where I journeyed into this world

Where a loving mother

Kissed me and gently brushed my curls


I miss the place

Where mother taught me the joys of life

And my father

Taught me to seek harmony from strife


I miss the place

Where my school days first began

And those friends

That made up our inseparable band


I miss the place

Where my heart had an optimistic view

And I miss the face

Of my one and only love so true


I miss the place

Where summer days seemed without end

Where natures bounty

Spilled from the fields we had to tend


I miss the place

Where the bones of my parents lay

And the times

When our days were full with play


I miss the place

I knew before I grew into a man

And took up arms

To fight for the king in a foreign land


I miss the place

That is the home I shall never see again

Never smell the grasses green

Or taste those gentle summer rains


I miss that place

My distant home far across the sea

The place I left behind

So I could die fighting for the free



Since that day

In that fateful campaign

When you stepped willingly

Upon that sodden Flanders field

And were gathered in

During that bloody harvest

Your future was no more


Since that day

In that fateful campaign

When you stepped out and fell

Upon that sodden Flanders field

And lay with silent comrades

During that bloody harvest

Your dreams were no more


Since that day

In that fateful campaign

When you stood and were counted

Upon that sodden Flanders field

And lay in the company of hero’s

During that bloody harvest

Your hopes were no more


Since that day

In that fateful campaign

When you were called to god

From that sodden Flanders field

With hordes of silent comrades

During that bloody harvest

You could love no more


Since that day

In that fateful campaign

Others lived to fight another day

From that sodden Flanders field

And when the cost was tallied

After that bloody harvest

The world was changed forever


Since the day the peace was one

Others ventured out in the world

And thrived in a world for ever changed

A world you helped to change

You could not reap the rewards

You could never again walk in the sun

Or Feel a cooling breeze upon your face

You gave your life for others futures

You fell to fulfill others dreams

Your sacrifice secured others hopes

Since you fell others have loved

And been loved in return as you could not

When you fell upon that sodden Flanders field

You sowed the seed of freedom

When the fragile seedling bore fruit

It changed the world forever


Since prehistoric times, humans populated

The mountainous lands of Armenia

Adam and eve, in the biblical garden of Eden

Trod this land in the shadow of the Armenian highlands

And Mount Ararat towered above

Upon which Noah’s ark came to rest

Christianity was nurtured in these historic lands

Sustaining and comforting the gentle people

They lived in peace for centuries

The oldest Christian nation of the world

Until the Ottoman Empire spread

And they fell under Turkeys oppressive yoke

Churches and Cathedrals were desecrated

And the devout Christians Persecuted

Four centuries of oppression past

Until finally in utter despair

They rose up against the tyranny

To shake loose their shackles

And drive out their Muslim overloads

But hopelessly outnumbered and ill equipped

They failed to win their freedom

And the wrath of their Turkish masters

Was brought down upon their heads

With merciless efficiency they struck

Killing indiscriminately

And when the savagery ended

50,000 Armenian souls had ascended

Then 20 more years of suffering followed

When the savage allies of the Kaiser

Sent word from Istanbul

To solve their Armenian problem

A chilling phrase echoing through the years

This time their actions were unprovoked

And the butchery unprecedented

One and a half million Christian souls

Were sent heavenward by the Turkish tyrants

A solution that provided the Germans

With a template for the future

Which they would employ to great effect 



The European empire grows

Ever greater Day on day

Governed from its Brussels base

Yet ruled from Paris and Berlin

Yet this empires growth is not it seems

Restricted by the continents borders

The arrogance of Germany and France

Not content with European expansion

wish now to expand the empire into asia

Pushing the borders far beyond

the Bosporus straights

And the Sea of Marmara

Natural waterways separating continents

Enabling the empire to encompass

Turkey and then beyond

The Occidental empire enveloping the Orient



Faith is a very simple thing

Between you and your God King

Don’t let the legion of Clergy

Over complicate by liturgy

The church do not own our Deity

God is inherent in the laity



Over the top lads

Let’s do it for the King

Up and at em Tommies

Let’s do the Kaiser in


Heads up lads

Let’s show some heroism

Death to the Hun

Hurrah for Jingoism


Over the top we go

Putting aside our fears

Then the hail of shot

And we fall like tears


A generation’s youth

Drowning in the mud

Ghosts of our future

Drowning in our blood


Stout hearted we came

Beneath the Belgian sky

We came to fight for honour

Instead we fall and die



After six long years of battle,

Triumph came to the side of light

When the scourge of hostility ended

And Victory in Europe Day began 

With joyous revelling and dancing

A new life for the country began

Then as Victory night passed,

And daylight broke through,
The peace dawned anew



The eleventh hour

The T’s were crossed

And the I’s were dotted

The eleventh day

Books were balanced

Of the butchers tally

The eleventh month

Seeds were sown

For the Second World War

By the French at Versailles




They fell

Like ripened corn

Cut with scythe’s stroke

In seasoned hands

They fell

Like cherry blossom

Set free

By an April breeze

They fell

Like skittles toppled

By a wooden ball

Skilfully played

They fell

Like mighty English oak

Cut in thousands

To build the mighty fleet

They fell

Proudly and unwavering

Before their enemy

Uncompromising in their duty

They fell

Like the valiant

Cut down before their time

A generation forever lost



We walked towards the enemy

Hidden in the mist

That lay like a silent shroud

We picked our way

Across the open ground

Until the silence was broken

As overhead, a shell burst

Raining death and shrapnel

Knocking us to the ground

Throwing us hither and thither

Like skittles in an alley

Broken bodies lay in the Flanders mud

Of “no mans land”

Before me Tommy hung on the wire

His body vivid red

Cut from neck to groin

Even a baker such as I, knew

He was beyond earthy aid

“Shoot me” he pleaded

His face etched deep with pain

I knelt before him contemplating his request

Then his face relaxed

And he called out “mother”

Though not in pain or anguish

Not a cry for help, but a greeting

An exclamation of joy

As he was returned to her arms

War had diminished my faith

But in that instant it was restored

By a single death, my friend Tommy



I remember

Those with no future, But only a gallant past

I remember

Those who never lived, To enjoy the fruits of their sacrifice

I remember

Those who will be forever young, Those who will never be old

I remember

When the sun sets on their past, And rises brilliantly for our future

I remember

Father’s, sons and brothers, Husband’s, friends and lovers

I remember

That lost generation of men, Who went to war for our tomorrow

I remember

Poor man, gentleman and scholar, Who stood shoulder to shoulder

I remember

Those who fell before the foe, For a future they wouldn’t know



When soldiers stand neath flags unfurled

Before going to war to do the biz

Be sure before they’re sent to save the world

They re happy with the world the way it is



Through leafy glades we walked together

In the dappled shade beneath the trees, where

Spots of light chase each other frantically

As the soft summer breeze moves the treetops

As on the forest floor the patterns change

In some places shafts of golden sunlight

Burst through the canopy, like sunbeams

Sent down from God above to light the darkness

In the sunnier spots the blue bells dance

As if to entertain the travellers

The path leads us upwards into the light

Each step taking us to ever lighter skies

Until we emerge atop a green hill

We looked out across the land, England

And knew what we had all fought and died for

To save this land from the spoils of war



Early on a September morning

Both towers struck without a warning

Heat and smoke and twisted steel

This New York City scene surreal

A familiar skyline forever changed

Countless victims of a foe deranged

Fanatics commit this act of shame

These murders done in Allah’s name



Did you fight in the war daddy?

My mother asked my grandpa

He only answered shortly yes

She had picked at an old scar

She jumped for joy and hugged him

And gave out a great hurrah


Did you win the war daddy?

My mother asked my grandpa

He only answered shortly yes

She was proud of her old da

She wanted to know more

But that didn’t get her far


She was just his little girl

And didn’t know the truth

The horrors that he had seen

And all that wasted youth

But these things he kept inside

And could not say to little Ruth


The truth he could not tell her

Was that nobody won the war

Both sides were the losers

If anyone was keeping score

That was the bitter truth of it

The Germans just lost more



The landscape changed

From peace to bloody war

A hellish muddy landscape

Those men had to endure


And when war was ended

The living had moved on

The dead remained on parade

To forever guard the Somme


The landscape changed

From bloody war to peace

A sombre mark of the passing

Of those who fell before the cease


Serried ranks of white crosses

Marking those who stayed

To be forever remembered

These fallen comrades on parade



A wondrous pastoral scene

Green fields and meadows

Woodland and hedgerows

Unchanged for centuries

A beautiful place, a safe place

Then came war’s unkind caress

Which swept away the green

Repainted the pastoral scene

In shades of brown

And turned everything to mud

Tree trunks devoid of branches

Stood like rows of rotted teeth

In the mouth of hell

The fetid stench of detritus

Filled the air

All this did Flanders endure

The blood, the mud, the tears

For four long years

Now another kinder hand

Has touched the land

And colour has returned

From the paint box of peace

Saturday, 4 September 2021



Since the cooling of the Nazi’s oven fires

And the fading glow of the funeral pyres

The world has had to endure the mutterings

Of those who deny the holocausts sufferings

The inane ramblings of conspiracy theorists

The bigoted bile of Islamic fundamentalists

The holocaust now stricken from the syllabus

We must not speak of it lest we cause a fuss

We must appease the liberal sentiments

For God forbid we might cause offence

But the holocaust happened, SHOUT it aloud 

Shout it in the face of the apathetic crowd

For if we do not condemn the holocaust deniers

Somewhere, one day they will relight the fires

THE LAST TOMMY John “Harry” Patch 17th June 1898 – 25th July 2009


God bless you Harry Patch

The last British Tommy to fall

Jack, Jill and Maudie are waiting

Can you hear that distant bugle call?

The serried ranks stand cheering

Calling you to glory Harry

Calling you to reassemble

You must go now no time to tarry

Jack, Jill and Maudie Allen

Are waiting to greet you proudly

Goodbye Harry so long old friend

Can you hear the bugle calling loudly?

Come to the cookhouse door boys

Come to the cookhouse door

Oh fallen heroes, oh hearty lads

I fear we will see your like no more


Jack, Jill and Maudie Allen where the nicknames of Harry Patch’s Lewis machine gun crew who were killed by shell fire on Pilkem Ridge, Passchendaele, Belgium in 1917

Friday, 3 September 2021



Ghurka warrior

Proud and loyal

How can you take

This cruel betrayal


Always williing

To take up arms

To suffer war

And all its harms


You defended empire

And commonwealth

Fighting hand to hand

And in stealth


You stood and fought

In our nations name

How we forsake you

To our governments shame


Ghurka warrior

Loyal and proud

You now have justice

Let us cheer you aloud



Soldiers bear the last of the lads

In casket draped in the union flag

And then a reverent silence falls

Before the last post’s mournful call

Trumpeting his journey into grace

To feel his comrade’s warm embrace

Goodbye Harry a soldier known

The final Tommy going home

Wednesday, 1 September 2021



An ordered peace

Now hold sway

Where once was chaos

And hell came to earth

Nature has returned

To repaint the landscape

The mud and the blood

Are of the past

The alien terrain

Featureless and without end

Are but a distant memory

The mud now green grass

And poppies grow

Red as the blood that fed them 

In the savage harvest

The landscape now is neat

The birds have returned

And grace the trees unknowing 

The farmers work the land

Where once the soldiers trod

National flags still flutter

Above ordered plots

For silent armies

All neat and tidy

Uniform patches

Of uniformed crosses

Serried ranks

Of white polished stone

Where lads and pals parade

With eternal regiments


  The Handley Page HP.52 Hampden was a British Twin-engine medium bomber operated by the RAF They came into service at the outbreak of W...