Monday, 28 February 2022



“You’re fighting for a just cause”

That is the justification

“You’ll make the world a safer place”

“You’ll protect your nation”


These are the politician’s words

Spoken with passion and pride

Spoken away from the line of fire

Spoken from where warmongers hide


Men of empty rhetoric

These politicians never see danger

Safe on their leather seats

They never hear shots fired in anger

Sunday, 20 February 2022



The British in the past

Seemed to have more grit

The Londoners of old

Bombarded in the Blitz

Shook their fists in defiance

Such were the plucky Brits

People alive today

Would never stand for it

They’d shout about human rights

And probably serve a writ



My parents were born between the wars,

And in their day

People were cut from different cloth

A sturdy resilient cloth

A cloth that bound the nation together

They were tougher people

Who lived through tough times

The general strike, the depression

The Second World War

20 years of rationing

But life had greater value

Because its pleasures came hard

And life was more than a measure

Of what could be possessed

The post baby boomers

Roll their eyes at such talk

But our country is weaker

And its people

Less sturdy, less resilient

Today we are a ragged nation

Just a collection of frayed threads

Tuesday, 1 February 2022



Since the cooling of the Nazi’s oven fires

And the fading glow of the funeral pyres

The world has had to endure the mutterings

Of those who deny the holocausts sufferings

The inane ramblings of conspiracy theorists

The bigoted bile of Islamic fundamentalists

The holocaust now stricken from the syllabus

We must not speak of it lest we cause a fuss

We must appease the liberal sentiments

For God forbid we might cause offence

But the holocaust happened, SHOUT it aloud 

Shout it in the face of the apathetic crowd

For if we do not condemn the holocaust deniers

Somewhere, one day they will relight the fires

THE LAST TOMMY John “Harry” Patch 17th June 1898 – 25th July 2009


God bless you Harry Patch

The last British Tommy to fall

Jack, Jill and Maudie are waiting

Can you hear that distant bugle call?

The serried ranks stand cheering

Calling you to glory Harry

Calling you to reassemble

You must go now no time to tarry

Jack, Jill and Maudie Allen

Are waiting to greet you proudly

Goodbye Harry so long old friend

Can you hear the bugle calling loudly?

Come to the cookhouse door boys

Come to the cookhouse door

Oh fallen heroes, oh hearty lads

I fear we will see your like no more


Jack, Jill and Maudie Allen where the nicknames of Harry Patch’s Lewis machine gun crew who were killed by shell fire on Pilkem Ridge, Passchendaele, Belgium in 1917


  The Handley Page HP.52 Hampden was a British Twin-engine medium bomber operated by the RAF They came into service at the outbreak of W...