Wednesday, 29 March 2023



Breath plumes in the chill

Of the morning still

When suddenly, harsh whistles blow

Shrilly breaking the silence

And then the order comes

It’s time to advance

So, over the top go the lads

Clambering out of the trench

To stride with purpose

Towards the enemy line

When the machine guns

Speak their deadly greeting

And their body’s fall

On the scarred

And blood-stained land


Don’t take too much comfort

From having the enemy in view

Because if the enemy is in range

Then by extension so are you


D-Day at Dawn,

As he climbed down

The scramble net

And into the landing craft,

He was afraid,

But more than that

He was terrified,

But he was not

Afraid of death

Nor of injury,

Not of the rolling seas

Or the deafening boom

Of Naval guns

Or incessant gunfire

From the hostile shore.

None of that unnerving

Catalogue of terror

Frightened his as much,

Or made him more afraid

Than of fear itself

A paralysing fear

Filling him with anxiety

Rendering him inert

Leaving him unable

To do his duty

To remember his training

Or fulfil his function

But above all else

His greatest fear of all

Was that he would

Let down his men

When they needed him most

Saturday, 4 March 2023



The booming guns fall silent

All along the western front

As the dawn breaks and

In dimly lights trenches

Men pass the time in silence,

Alone among the throng

With their own thoughts

Or speaking silently to God

But in the silent waiting

Nerves jangle until the whistles blow

And up they go, over the top

As bullets sing their deadly song

And reap a bitter harvest

But the stalwarts strive on

A deliberate course sustained
Unwavering, toward the foe

Across the battle scarred field

Amidst smoke and shell 

Where the acrid scented air

Stings the eyes and fills the nostrils

As concussive blast assail the ears

But onward, ever onward

The stalwarts strive on

Not though in the footsteps of heroes

For these heroes are making

The footprints in the mud

That others must follow


When they hear the recruiter’s call And they take the King’s shilling They’re trained and uniformed And marched towards the killing