Tuesday, 6 July 2021



The mountainous lands of Armenia

Populated since prehistoric times

Was the site of the Biblical Garden of Eden

And the Armenian highlands surround Mount Ararat

Upon which Noah’s ark came to rest

They were appropriately the first nation in the world

To adopt Christianity in AD 301

As its official state religion

The Christian Armenians lived

Under the ottoman empire’ oppressive yoke

For almost four centuries

When in august 1896

A small band of Armenian freedom fighters

Seeking international recognition of their plight

Raided the headquarters of the Ottoman Bank in Istanbul

They murdered the guards

And took more than 140 staff hostage

However, their plan backfired

When it brought down upon their heads

The wrath of their Turkish masters

And provoked the first Armenian holocaust

When Mobs of Muslim Turks

Massacred more than 50,000 Armenians

This was however spectacularly surpassed

Almost 20 years later

When in the spring of 1915

A concerted effort by the Kaisers allies in Istanbul

To systematically set about the removal

Of their Armenian problem

And the Muslim overloads ordered

The Butchery of one and a half million

Armenian Christian souls

And providing the Germans with a template for the future

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