Tuesday, 26 October 2021



Bright burnished copper shields

Shined bright as gold in the midday sun

Spear points glinted in the sun

Like a myriad of dancing fireflies

Silver lights blinked from polished

Buckles and embellishments

The clink of metal on metal

The snort of impatient horses

The barking of impatient sergeants

Leather creaked and strained

On soldier and beast

All the sights brought back to mind

Vivid remembrances

And the sounds spoke a familiar tongue

To the battle hardened

Anticipation dried the mouth

Almost as much as the dust

Banners fluttered lightly in the breeze

Some standing as tall as trees

And carrion eaters waited unseen

For the coming banquet

Then the battle commenced

With an ensuing cacophony

Many died quickly, painlessly

Not even seeing the fatal blow

Equally many died slowly

In agony from their wounds

Others lay on the bloody field

For hours and survived

Only to fight and die another day

The victors write the history

Of the bloody day’s events

The truth also lies dying

On the bloody field of battle

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