Sunday, 15 May 2022

Uncanny Love Tales – (047) The Downshire Star 1939

The Downshire Star was a 4-6-2 standard gauge three-cylinder steam locomotive built at the Northchapel Works in 1933 which had all the romance of the Flying Scotsman and the grace and style of the Mallard.

It was a stunning sight liveried in the black and gold of the DCRN, Downshire County Railway Network, pulling the Prix Deluxe first-class coaches, dining carriage, and sleeper cars, as well as second and third class wagons, and it ran from Abbeyvale to all points North via Abbottsford, Finchbottom and Nettlefield


Best friends Lilian Baggott and Amelia Bryan had been holidaying on the Isle of Skye when they heard Neville Chamberlain on the BBC announcing Britain was at war with Germany and immediately made plans to travel home to Downshire to be with their families.

Two days later they were in a second-class carriage aboard the Downshire Star heading out of Glasgow in the late afternoon sunshine, their budget didn’t run to first class and a berth in the sleeper was out of the question for the same reason.

It was to be a much longer journey home than the one they took at the beginning of their holiday, as it was to be, by necessity a stopping service, as so many troops had to return to their various military bases.

It was still the quickest way for them to get back to their destination of Abbottsford and they both enjoyed the train.

As most of the passengers were aboard for the same reason there was a tremendous atmosphere on the train, patriotism, stoicism, defiance, even pride.


To anyone who didn’t know them they would have sworn they were identical twins, but they would have been wrong, they weren’t even the same age.

Lilian was the older of the two, by two months and was five foot two with bobbed flame red hair and a pale complexion, green eyes and had cutely freckled cheeks.

Amelia was two inches taller than her friend and had fewer freckles, but more hair, she was also the quiet one of the two and relied on Lil’s boldness to help her in social situations.

Also aboard were cousins and best friends, Steve Matthews and

Bill Prendergast, who were also heading south from Scotland, they had also been on holiday, but in their case, they had been ordered to return to the Downshire Light Infantry barracks in Nettlefield.

Despite the fact the four of them were all from Abbottsford and had all been on the Isle of Skye for the previous two and a half weeks, and at the same hotel, they had never crossed paths.

But when they did meet up, aboard the train, they hit it off immediately and the guys were instantly attracted to the girls, not a love at first sight kind of thing, but close, and that was before they’d even heard the girls speak in their posh Carrington Chase educated voices.

Carrington Chase being Downshire’s version of Roedean, although those in Downshire thought it was the other way around, and they were voice’s that made Queen Elizabeth sound common.


The girls were stunningly beautiful and even wearing their travelling outfits they were still drop-dead gorgeous girls, and as the journey progressed, they were not short of admirers, and under normal circumstances they would have flirted along with them, the good-looking ones at least, but they were both very taken with the returning soldiers, and they made that perfectly clear to any interlopers.    

They were seated either side of a compartment, with the girls on one side and the lads on the other, with two elderly couples occupying the remaining seats.

Primarily the four just chatted, mainly about the declaration of war, but also the Isle of Skye, and amazed each other with the number of places they all frequented and the amount of acquaintances they had made among their fellow travellers that they had in common.

The atmosphere in the compartment was unlike anything they had known before, but as the summer afternoon sunshine gave way to dusk and then inevitably to darkness, so despite the good company and the pleasant conversation, with the rhythmic clickety clack of the wheels on the track they obviously fell asleep.

When the girls awoke the next morning, it was to the appetizing aroma of cooked bacon.

Steve and Bill had woken early and left the girls sleeping while they disembarked when the train stopped at Doncaster and followed their noses to the cooking bacon.

The girls thought it was a great start to the day, in Lily’s opinion any day that began with a bacon sandwich was a great day.

After breakfast the four of them settled down into the same pattern as the night before.


As the Downshire Star crossed the county border into Downshire Lilian glanced sideways where Amelia and Steve were sat facing each other across divide, each resting their elbows on their knees.  

But she had tired of the conversation even if Amelia hadn’t, so when she slipped quietly away from the table and took Bill with her and when she looked back the other two hadn’t even noticed that they had gone.

The moment they left the compartment Lilian pushed him into the nearest corner and kissed him and his response was instantaneous.

But the kiss was short and sweet as there appeared to be a constant flow of people between the carriages and the buffet.

Bill tried to resume but Lilian evaded his lips,

“No not here” she said and walked away “Come on”

And then she ran giggling down the corridor, and he ran after her until she stopped abruptly at the end of the car, where she stood fingering her hair and chewing her lip while she waited for him and then he kissed her.


Amelia suddenly became aware that Lilian and Bill had gone

“They’re not here” she said, “Where did they go?”

“When did they go?” he asked, and they both laughed

They were really enjoying each other’s company and the conversation but the more they talked the more she wanted to kiss him, but she couldn’t.

If Lilian was in her situation and wanted to kiss him, he would already have been kissed, but she wasn’t bold like her friend, she was the shy one so she couldn’t take the kiss she wanted.

Unfortunately, Steve was no better, he normally relied on alcohol for his bravery, but he was sober, so they both carried on and made the best of the situation, and just kept enjoying each other.

Which they did for the next five minutes or so until the train came to a jerky disorderly halt, and they found themselves nose to nose.


“Nice” Lilian said and kissed him again

“Very nice” Bill said

“I agree, but we’d better get back” she said

“Ok” he agreed reluctantly

“Do you think they’re wondering where we are?” he asked

“Hardly, they probably haven’t even noticed we’ve gone” she said, “And if they have Amelia will just say “oh there you are” and carry on with the conversation”

They were laughing when they entered the compartment but stopped abruptly when they discovered Amelia and Steve were still sat facing each other across divide, each resting their elbows on their knees, but were now leant forward engaged in a very tender kiss.

Lilian and Bill looked at each other, smiled, nodded, and retraced their steps and resumed their own kiss. 

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