Friday, 5 August 2022



Oh sweet little Christingle girl

Your daddy is so very far away

“Bring my daddy safely home”

These are the words you pray


Oh sweet little Christingle girl

Daddy is away at the war

“Bring my daddy safely home

Bring him safely to our door”


Oh sweet little Christingle girl

How she misses daddy far away

How sad she is, he won’t be home

To be with them on Christmas day


At Sunday school she made a christingle

She took an orange to represent the world.

And to symbolize the blood Christ shed

She took the red ribbon from her curls


Then she decorated four tooth picks

With fruits and sweets and marshmallows

These she placed in the four corners

To represented all the earthly souls


Then finally in the centre of the orange

She stood a single candle of purest white

And when lit, the candle represented

The world filled with Christ’s loving light


The sweet little Christingle girl

Took it home with her that day

And stood it in the window

So daddy would find his way


And the sweet little Christingle girl

With her daddy so very far away

Knew that when he did come home

That would be their Christmas day

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